CS 547: Sensing and Planning in Robotics
Fall 2011
Monday 2:00 - 4:50 p.m. in KAP 113
This class focuses on modern techniques, based largely on probability theory, to address problems in sensing and estimation in mobile robotics. A running theme throughout the class is that robotics involves uncertainty at several different levels. The machinery of estimation theory and probability theory (Bayesian filtering), has been applied with great success to cope with uncertainty in sensing and actuation. The class will cover the relevant theory and applications to problems in robot localization, mapping, perception and manipulation. If time permits we will cover additional topics such as planning and extensions to multi-robot systems.
The treatment in class will be mathematical. Students are expected to
know elementary probability theory, calculus, and linear algebra at
the undergraduate level. There is no formal prerequisite for the class
(don't believe what the catalogue says). If you want to register, and
the office won't let you, send email to the instructor. Based on the
mathematical treatment presented in class, students will be expected
to complete a fairly sizeable class project. Most students will be
expected to use a standard robot simulator (ROS) for the
project. There are limited opportunities for advanced students to use
a state-of-the-art robot (the PR2, shown on the right). In order to
complete the project, students will need to have a reasonable
background in programming. (Typical projects are expected to run into
a few thousand lines of code). All the software tools used in the
class run on Linux. Students are expected to be reasonably competent
in programming under Linux (or some *nix flavor).
Instructor: Prof. Gaurav S. Sukhatme (gaurav@usc.edu) Office: RTH 405 Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems Department of Computer Science University of Southern California TA: Megha Gupta (meghagup@usc.edu) Office: RTH 406
This page was created by Gaurav Sukhatme and is maintained by him. Last updated 8/20/11