EE 547: Sensing and Planning in Robotics
Introduction to software methods in robotics including sensing, sensor fusion, estimation, fault tolerance, sensor planning, robot control architectures, planning and learning.
- Introduction to Sensing, Planning and Robot Control (1 week)
- Uncertainty Management with Sensor Fusion and Planning (4 weeks)
- Integrated Sensor System Modeling and Architectures.
- Sensor Fusion with Statistical, Geometric, and Evidential Reasoning Approaches.
- Constraint Satisfaction in Integrated Sensor Systems.
- Estimation theory introduction.
- Fault Detection, Identification and Reconfiguration.
- Optimal Sensor Configuration and Placement
- Planning and Reasoning in Robotics (2 weeks)
- Motion Planning and Assembly Planning.
- Path and Trajectory Planning with Static/Dynamic and Holonomic/Non-holonomic Constraints.
- A survey of state-of-the-art research in planning and reasoning.
- Adaptation and Learning (2 weeks)
- Robot Learning techniques survey including supervised and unsupervised approaches
- A survey of contemporary learning systems
- Computational Intelligence in Robotics (2 weeks)
- Introduction to Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation using contemporary research examples.
- Neural Network Based Visuo-Motor Coordination.
- Real-Time Robot Control Architectures (3 weeks)
- Real-time Robotic Programming, Simulation, and Control Environments.
- A Survey of Modern Robot Control Architectures
Required Text:
Sensor-based Advanced Robotics, a collection of papers edited by Sukhan Lee. (Will be made available for purchase by students from the department)
Recommended Readings:
1. Integration, Coordination and Control of Multi-sensor Robot Systems, by H. F. Durrant-Whyte, Kluwer, Boston, 1988.
2. Computer-Aided Mechanical Assembly planning, edited by Homem de Mello and Sukhan Lee, Kluwer, Boston, 1991.
3. Robot Motion Planning, Jean-Claude Latombe, Kluwer Academic, 1991.
4. Neural Networks in Robotics, edited by George Bekey and Ken Goldberg, Kluwer Academic, 1992.
Grades will be based on written reports of papers as well as a final project. Class participation and discussion will also count. There will be no final exam or midterm.
Paper reports: 50%
Final project: 30%
Class participation: 20%Prerequisites:
CS 561 Artifical Intelligence or Instructor Permission
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