Public Speaking

Dr. Bekey is a frequent speaker to professional, corporate and lay audiences on advances in robotic technologies, along with their competitive, societal and ethical implications. Presentations for business audiences include:
- The Robot Doctor Will See You Now: Status and Potential of Robotics in Healthcare
- Beyond R2D2: Robots in Imagination and Reality.
- Coexisting with Computers: Answers and Questions.
- The Worldwide Technology Race: Are we losing our competitive edge?
Among his recent technical presentations:
- Commencement speaker, Cal Poly mid-year graduation
(3,000 attendees), San Luis Obispo, CA
- "The Robot Doctor Will See You Now", Keynote
speaker, Southern California Biomedical Industry Investors,
Los Angeles, CA
- "Co-existing with robots" Plenary lecture,
Intelligent Robotic Systems Conf (IROS 2006), Beijing, China.
- "Robotic assistance in arm and leg function" Plenary
address, IEEE BioRob 2006 conf, Pisa, Italy.
- "The WTEC World Survey of Robotics", Keynote
address, National Science Foundation Workshop at International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2006, Orlando,
- "Robotics: A Worldwide Status Report", Speaker,
Northrop Grumman Corporation seminar, Dominguez Hills, CA.
- "Multiple Robots: Systems of Systems", Keynote
address, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics conference,
- Multiple talks on Robotics, Speaker, Auckland University,
New Zealand.
- "Legged robots: Applications and research issues",
Speaker, Center for Control, Dynamical Systems and
Computation , UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
- "Robotics: A Worldwide Status Report", Speaker,
Northrop Grumman Corporation seminar, Dominguez Hills, CA.
- "Sensors in Robotics", Speaker, BEI Corporation Board
of Directors meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- "Intelligent mobile robots: A status report", Speaker,
Distinguished Lecture Series, Computer Science Department, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
- "Trends and opportunities in robotics", Speaker,
RoboNexus conference, San Jose, CA.
- "Rehabilitation robotics: Progress and problems", Speaker,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation,
Bio-Robotics workshop, New Orleans, LA.
- "Intelligent Mobile Robots: Applications and commercial development",
Plenary lecture, Automation 2003 conference, Taiwan.
- "Rehabilitation robotics: Progress and problems", Speaker,
Health consortium, Portland, OR.