"Phony Pony" walking machine |
Mars rover model |
Early robot hand |
Dr. Bekey's 50-year career spans distinct computer science,
engineering and biological disciplines. A pioneer in several fields,
he is a longtime proponent of interdisciplinary work for its potential
to illuminate, and increase the relevance of, research that otherwise
might evolve in isolation. His contributions include:
- Early development of walking machines.
- Exploration of biologically inspired robot control.
- Theory and development of autonomous, mobile robots.
Biomedical Engineering
- Work in biological phenomena such as respiration, muscle function
and gait.
- Use of expert systems to diagnose muscular sources of abnormal
- Control of prosthetic hands.
Dynamic System Modeling
- Input-output models and identification of human operators
in control systems.
- Random search optimization, including design of buildings
to reduce quake-induced oscillations.
- Introduction of parameter identifiability and near-identifiability